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2010年12月3 日,根据ECHA官方网站公布的消息:此前第四批11种SVHC 提案中,有8种物质正式被纳入到 SVHC 候选物质清单中,这意味着,截止目前为止,REACH 法规中 SVHC 候选清 单物质已达 49 项SVHC物质。
| CAS 编号
| 潜在用途
| 硫酸钴
| 10124-43-3
| 用于制陶瓷釉料、油漆催干剂和镀钴等。也可用作饲料添加剂,碱性蓄电池添加剂等。
| 硝酸钴
| 10141-05-6
| 用于表面处理、电池、陶瓷颜料、催化剂。
| 碳酸钴
| 513-79-1
| 陶瓷、玻璃颜料,饲料微量元素添加剂,微量元素肥料
| 醋酸钴(乙酸钴)
| 71-48-7
| 用于表面处理、合金、颜料、染料和饲料添加剂。
| 乙二醇单甲醚
| 109-86-4
| 用作涂料溶剂、渗透剂、匀染剂及有机合成中间体,也用作燃料的添加剂
| 乙二醇单乙醚
| 110-80-5
| 常用作溶剂,皮革工业用于着色剂,涂料工业用于配制油漆稀释剂、脱漆剂,及制造喷漆的原料,纺织工业用于制造纤维的染色剂,有机化工中用于制造醋酸酯、乳液稳定剂等。
| 三氧化铬
| 1333-82-0
| 用于金属处理和木材防腐剂中的稳定剂。
| 三氧化铬衍生酸
| 如铬酸
| 7738-94-5
| 重铬酸
| 13530-68-2
| 低聚铬酸等
| -
The Member State Committee (MSC) agreed unanimously on the identification of eight Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) that will be added to the Candidate List and may thus become subject to authorisation. The Committee also gave a favourable opinion on ECHA's draft recommendation for adding eight new substances to the Authorisation List.
Candidate List
The eight identified SVHCs are:
Chromium trioxide, acids generated from chromium trioxide and their oligomers, cobalt(II)sULphate, cobalt(II)dinitrate, cobalt(II)carbonate, cobalt(II)diacetate, 2-methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol, which are either carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) substances.
The MSC came unanimously to the conclusion that currently it is not possible to identify the three isomers of trichlorbenzene as “PBT-like” substances under Article 57 (f) of REACH. The Committee was of the opinion that, based on the information available, it cannot conclude that the trichlorbenzene isomers can be identified as substances for which there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to human health or the environment which gives rise to an equivalent level of concern to substances fULfilling the SVHC criteria set out in Article 57.
The MSC agreements and other supporting documentation for the eight SVHCs will be published on the ECHA website soon. The documents referring to the three trichlorobenzene isomers, where the MSC agreed that it was not possible to conclude that they are SVHCs, will also be published.
The eight substances will be included in the ‘Candidate List’ after a decision on their inclusion has been taken by ECHA. The Candidate List will then be updated.
Authorisation List
The Member State Committee adopted by consensus its opinion on ECHA’s draft recommendation to the European Commission for an update to Annex XIV (Authorisation List) of REACH.
The MSC agreed with ECHA that the following eight SVHCs should be subject to authorisation: di-isobutylphthalate (DIBP), diarsenic trioxide, diarsenic pentaoxide, lead chromate, lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34), lead chromate molybdate sulphate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104), tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP) and 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT). The MSC also agreed with ECHA that there are no grounds to recommend exemptions from Authorisation for these substances.
ECHA will take the MSC opinion into account when finalising its recommendation for Annex XIV which will then be transmitted to the Commission.
官方原文地址:http://echa.europa.eu/news/pr/201012/pr_10_24_msc_20101203_en.asp |