2016年1月14号,欧盟在其官方公报上发布了 (EU)2016/26号法规,修订了(EC) No 1907/2006欧洲议会和理事会关于化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制法规(REACH法规)附件十七中关于壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚的条款。 具体修订内容如下: REACH法规附件十七中,新增了46a条款: On 14 January, Official Journal of TheEuropean Union published COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/26 amending Annex XVIIto Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards nonylphenolethoxylates. This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth dayfollowing that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EuropeanUnion. Details of amendment as below: In Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, the following new entry 46a is added:
products under regulation of article 46 only targets at substances and substance combination placed on the market or for use. So the scope of products is expanded after such amendment.
1. Why control of these substances?
When NPEs enters the environment, it will lead to more NP after its degradation. NP is a substance with stronger toxicity and persistence for environment. Once emitted, it will exist in the environment for a long time, which may lead to contamination to environment such as the aquatic environment and therefore cause damage to human health. 2. What is the use of NPEs in textiles? Because of its good penetration, emulsification, dispersion performance, NPEs has been widely used as detergents, stain and water lotion in the textile manufacturing process.
Link of EU OJ: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.009.01.0001.01.ENG&toc=OJ:L:2016:009:TOC
背景资料 1. 为何管控此类物质?
NPEs进入到环境中,会迅速分解成毒性更强的环境激素——NP,也就是壬基酚。NP具有持久性,一旦被排入的环境中,会在环境中长时间存在,造成水体等环境污染,从而危害人类健康。 2. NPEs在纺织中有何用途? NPEs因其良好的渗透、乳化、分散性能,在纺织品生产过程中一直作为清洁剂、染色剂和水洗剂被广泛使用。
欧盟官方公报链接: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.009.01.0001.01.ENG&toc=OJ:L:2016:009:TOC
壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚是性能良好的非离子表面活性剂,在工业清洗、纺织印染、造纸、皮革化工、油田助剂、农药、乳液聚合等工业领域有着广泛的应用,主要用于各种清洗剂,纺织工业助剂,润滑油、树脂的乳化剂等。 |