品质管理 发表于 2009-7-8 22:17:00


国际环保纺织标准100问与答(Question & Answers on Oeko-Tex Standard 100)

       自1992年起,国际环保纺织标准100(Oeko-Tex Standard 100)已经成为整个纺织行业进行安全测试的国际性基准。
       Since 1992, the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 has become an international benchmark for safety all along the textile chain.
       Today, over 7500 companies in the textile and clothing industry around the world are involved in the Oeko-Tex certification network.
       With over 60,000 certificates issued for millions of textile products, the The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 has become the leading label for textiles that have been screened for harmful substances.
       The Oeko-Tex system assures that textiles which have been tested successfully and awarded a certificate are free of concentrations of harmful substances which are detrimental to health.
       For a summary of the main purposes and aims of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100, please find below 16 frequently asked question and our responses.
       All kinds of documents, the latest list of criteria and extensive background information can be called up at www.oeko-tex.com. The Oeko-Tex member institutes in the various countries will be pleased to help you with any futher questions.
       1、 国际环保纺织标准100(Oeko-Tex Standard 100)为消费者提供了什么益处?What dose the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 offer the consumer?

       The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is the world’s leading label for texities screened for harmful substances.
       Products awarded this mark have been optimized for human ecology and tested and certificated by internationally recognized textile institutes. Textiles bearing this label are good for your well-being.

       2、 如何识别有效的 Oeko-Tex Standard 100标签?How can you recognize a genuine Oeke-Tex label?
       Make sure that the test number is quoted and the test institute is named.
       The test number can be used to trace the particular certification process which was carried out.
       The Oeko-Tex label is a registered trademark, protected in international law by the Madrid Agreement.

       3、 国际环保纺织协会是一个什么样的组织和机构?What is the International Oeko-Tex Association?
       国际环保纺织协会是由欧洲和日本的15家知名的纺织检定机构组成。该协会在30多个国家都设有分支机构和代表处。各成员机构都兼备纺织测试领域和化学分析领域的经验,同时都掌握人类生态学、服装生理学以及相关领域的知识,除了承担Oeko-Tex Standard 100的测试和认证工作,他们还担当着进一步研究、发展和完善 Oeko-Tex Standard 100的任务。
       An association of 15 well-known textile, testing and research institutes in Europe and Japan. There are branches and representatives in more than 30 countries.
       The member institutes of the Oeko-Tex Association are jointly responsible for the countries development of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100. Technical expertise about textile production and sci
entific findings from chemistry, medicine and related areas of research all feed into the process.

       4、 国际环保纺织协会测试机构的工作准则是什么?what are the principles on which the test institutes of the International Oeko-Tex Association work?

       在90年代,协会的先驱者——奥地利纺织研究院和德国海恩斯坦研究院——在当时已存在的对纺织品有害物质测定的规定的基础上,共同开发制定了Oeko-Tex Standard 100测试标准。他们每年共同更新和完善这些标准以满足新的要求。总体来讲,该标准已超越现有的国家法定规定的范围。
       At the start of the 90s the founding fathers – the Austrian Textile Research Institute in Vienna and the German Hohenstein Research Institute in Bonnigheim – developed the concept of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and list of criteria, based on existing test regulations relating to harmful substances. This list of criteria is jointly updated every year and adapted to comply with the latest requirements. In its entirety, it goes far beyond existing national legal regulations.
       All of the test institutes around the world work according to the same set test methods and regulations.

品质管理 发表于 2009-7-8 22:18:00

回复 1# 品质管理 的帖子

5、 Oeko-Tex Standard 100标准的国际性角色?



       Because of the differences that exist with regard to legal requirements and safety concepts in different countries, and the way work is spread internationally in the textile chain, a common safety standard for harmful substances is needed.

       The requirements in the extensive list of criteria make the companies involved worldwide more sensitive to problematic harmful substances.
       6、Oeko-Tex Standard 100标准的主要特色?What are the main features
of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100?


       Contracts consisting of an application with a declaration of commitment and conformity, and documentation for extension

       标准清单List of criteria

       织品材料测试和测试报告 Materials testing and test report

       颁发证书 Issuing of certificates

       标签的使用 Use of the label

       随机抽验 Random testing

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